Solidarity for the Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture
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SOPATRAM – Interview

Writing : How long have you been in this job?  

Jocelyne : I have been in this job since the year 2020; it will soon be 3 years. When I came here, my daughter Gaëlla was still a baby, and now I have just had my 2nd child.

Writing : What are the advantages that you and your family gain from your work?

Jocelyne : Before, I used to beg, spending entire days wandering the streets of Bujumbura. Sometimes, I didn't have enough to eat, and I had no source of income. My husband couldn't earn enough to support the family. My life was very miserable.

Writing :  What do you do exactly in this program?     

Jocelyne : I am in charge of cleanliness and packaging preparation.

Writing :  What challenges do you face in your work?

Jocelyne : When the program moved to the new space in Gihosha, I stopped working. My life took a turn and went back to how it was before. I behaved like the prodigal child. Fortunately, when I returned, Aunt welcomed me warmly, and I quickly resumed my position.   

Writing : Could you tell us what the program entails?

Jocelyne : I don't know much about the program, but I see what is done every day, and I will try to explain it as I understand it. This program is a complex of various activities that work for the benefit of young people and women. Some, like me, work in the juice processing unit, while others are involved in agriculture. For example, you see this field; it used to have ginger, and then they planted amaranth afterwards. At the back, there is a space set up for mushroom cultivation. We have a young person here who takes care of all that. Sometimes, he travels to different areas like Gihanga and Kiganda to guide the women and youth groups supported by the program.

In addition to these agricultural activities, there is a young girl who makes and sells doughnuts, and she also runs a small shop right next door. It's truly a very beneficial program for us and for the community.    

Writing : In the event that you no longer work for this program, what else would you do ? Jocelyne : What I am sure of is that I will not go back to the streets. Here, we are taught agro-food processing techniques. Additionally, we learn how to initiate income-generating activities. For instance, even with low capital, I could mix cereal flours to make porridge and sell it to earn money. Also, I could find a spot in one of the trading centers in Bujumbura and engage in small-scale commerce.